
Showing posts with the label Aerosmith

Music in the Soy City

Some relics of past musical events that took place here in Decatur........

Memory Lane Stuff 9

Here is installment #9 in our photo galleries of Decatur-related items and people from years-gone-by: (Robert Faries) (Fred Puglia) (B.G. Nevitt) TAGS: Aerosmith, B.G. Nevitt, Decanois, dolphins, Dust Puff, Fan's Field, faries, fred puglia, Irwin Neisler, Masons, memory lane, millikin university, Minnow Bucket, MU, Pride of the Prairie, Producers Seed Company,

Memory Lane Stuff 3

Another collection of Decatur memorabilia that may stir memories for some....... TAGS: 1976, a.e. staley, ADM, Aerosmith, archer daniels midland, brown jug, Illinois Central, Kintner Gym, lake decatur, Leader Iron Works, memory lane, Mueller, Sam Loeb, SDHS, staley, Stephen Decatur High School,