
Showing posts from August, 2013

Memories of FPS 2013

Random photos from the 2013 Farm Progress Show held in Decatur: Rupert from the TV Reality Program "Survivor" Governor Quinn honors the family of Emmett Sefton 30 ROWS ! SEE YOU BACK IN DECATUR IN 2015 !

Old Photos #5

E.J. Muffley, 1983 B.G. Nevitt, Pastor, Glad Tidings Assembly of God Decatur Belle, 1972 Wabash Station, c. 1945 LINK TO PREVIOUS ALBUM:  " OLD PHOTOS #4 "

Decatur Link of the Week

The website we're featuring as this week's "Decatur Link of the Week" is the DECATUR PARK DISTRICT (DPD). The DPD operates: over 2,000 acres of park land an indoor sports center the Decatur Airport three golf courses (Hickory Point Golf Course, Red Tail Run, Scovill Golf Course) a miniature golf course softball, soccer and tennis complexes bike trails numerous athletic fields a community aquatic center an AZA-accredited zoo an equestrian center a banquet, food & beverage business In addition, the DPD is heavily involved in the promotion of the arts, sponsoring the Decatur Park Singers, the Greater Decatur Chorale and many dance/drama activities. Fun (and amazing) fact:  The Decatur Park District’s 2,000+ acres of park space are nearly double the national standard for a community of Decatur’s size. The staff and directors of the DPD do a fantastic job at keeping all their parks and facilities maintain...

Welcome Farm Progess Show

The Farm Progress Show returns to Decatur's "Progress City" (at Richland Community College) this week ! 2013 Show Set-up: Prior Years' Farm Progress Show in Decatur: Signs Lead the Way to the Show: